We all experience indecision at one time or another. And, the most important decision a Christian ever makes is to accept Jesus as Lord. That's what this album is about. That's its purpose.
Sitting on a Fence is the song that basically inspired the whole thing. I've seen many Christians, myself included, take their sweet time deciding that Jesus is indeed Lord and Savior. We think about the Lord and ponder and question and doubt and hope and put off until tomorrow. I hope this song, this album can speak to those of us in that situation. I hope these words will connect with them so deeply, on a level only they can understand and identify with, that there would only be one choice to make, one direction for them to take.
Sound Investment and I are so very excited to be able to bring this to you. My partner, Clint Braswell, and I are avidly editing the tracks and hope to have the album ready for final production soon.
I've put together four album rough cuts to give you an idea of the album.
The song that inspired me to put the album together.
A fun one, especially to perform live!
We all have doubts. We are human, after all.
My fervent prayer.